El Año Internacional de la Astronomía empezará con fuegos artificiales en el cielo. Mañana 24 de febrero un cometa muy particular podrá verse a simple vista, si las nubes no se oponen. Será el primero de 2009.
Lulin, tal el nombre del cometa, es de color verdoso y no tiene la tradicional forma de estos objetos celestes. Se parecerá más a un “huevo frito” verde con dos colas.
En realidad, los cometas siempre tienen dos colas: una de gas, que es la que siempre se ve, y otra de polvo, llamada “anticola”. Por la trayectoria que lleva Lulin, esta vez, el reflejo de la luz solar hará visible también la “anticola”.
Es la primera vez que Lulin visita el Sistema Solar interior y también su primera exposición a luz solar intensa. Fue descubierto en 2007 por astrónomos chinos y taiwaneses. Primero se pensó que era un asteroide que podía chocar con la Tierra.
En realidad, Lulin podrá verse durante todo febrero y parte de marzo en sitios con baja contaminación luminosa (es decir, fuera de las ciudades) desde las 3 ó 4 de la madrugada hasta el amanecer. El 24 de febrero el cometa estará más cerca de la Tierra, a 61 millones de kilómetros, por eso será más visible aún.
En 2009 se celebra el Año Internacional de la Astronomía, ya que se cumplen 400 años de la primera observación con un telescopio realizada por Galileo Galilei. El italiano hizo grandes aportes a la ciencia y fue un firme defensor de la teoría heliocéntrica de Copérnico, en tiempos en los cuales eso era una herejía y se pagaba con la hoguera.
Además de madrugar, para observar a Lulin hay que mirar hacia el norte. Mañana se encontrará muy cerca de la posición del planeta Saturno, en la constelación de Leo. Hay que distinguir la estrella Regulus, la más brillante de este grupo. Lulin pasará cerca de ella.
Las colas serán difíciles de observar. Se recomienda estar fuera de la ciudad y utilizar binoculares.
Lulin tiene una atmósfera del tamaño de Júpiter (el planeta más grande del Sistema Solar con 142 mil kilómetros de diámetro). Está compuesta de cianógeno (un gas venenoso encontrado en muchos cometas) y carbono diatómico, los cuales le dan el color verdoso.
Alcanzará una magnitud de brillo 5 ó 6, comparable a las estrellas más débiles que pueden observarse a simple vista en noches oscuras. Como referencia, las famosas “tres marías” alcanzan la magnitud 2 ó 3, siendo 1 lo más brillante.
Los cometas están formados por hielo y roca y circulan cerca del Sol en órbitas muy elípticas.
International Astronomy begin with fireworks in the sky. Tomorrow, February 24 an individual may be very committed to the naked eye, if the clouds are not opposed. Will be the first in 2009.
Lulin, as the name of the comet, is greenish and not the traditional shape of these celestial objects. Will more closely resemble a "fried egg" green with two tails.
In fact, comets always have two tails: one gas, which is always seen, and dust, called "anticola. On the path that leads Lulin, this time, the reflection of sunlight will make visible the "anticola.
This is the first time Lulin visit the inner solar system and also their first exposure to sunlight. It was discovered in 2007 by Chinese astronomers and Taiwanese. First we thought it was an asteroid that could collide with Earth.
In fact, throughout Lulin may be part of February and March at sites with low light pollution (ie, outside of cities) from 3 or 4 am until dawn. On February 24 the comet will be closest to Earth 61 million miles, so it will be even more visible.
In 2009 we celebrate the International Year of Astronomy as it met the first 400 years of observation with a telescope by Galileo Galilei. The Italian made great contributions to science and was a strong advocate of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, in times in which it was a heresy and was paid with the stake.
Besides the bridge, to watch Lulin have to look north. Tomorrow will be very close to the position of the planet Saturn in the constellation Leo. We must distinguish the star Regulus, the brightest of this group. Lulin go near it.
Queues will be difficult to observe. It is recommended to be out of town and use binoculars.
Lulin size has an atmosphere of Jupiter (the largest planet in the Solar System with 142 thousand kilometers in diameter). It consists of cyanogen (a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon, which gives the green color.
Reach a brightness of magnitude 5 or 6, comparable to the stars can be seen weaker eye on dark nights. For reference, the famous "three Marias" reach magnitude 2 or 3, with 1 being the brightest.
Comets are composed of ice and rock and move around the sun in highly elliptical orbits.
Lulin, as the name of the comet, is greenish and not the traditional shape of these celestial objects. Will more closely resemble a "fried egg" green with two tails.
In fact, comets always have two tails: one gas, which is always seen, and dust, called "anticola. On the path that leads Lulin, this time, the reflection of sunlight will make visible the "anticola.
This is the first time Lulin visit the inner solar system and also their first exposure to sunlight. It was discovered in 2007 by Chinese astronomers and Taiwanese. First we thought it was an asteroid that could collide with Earth.
In fact, throughout Lulin may be part of February and March at sites with low light pollution (ie, outside of cities) from 3 or 4 am until dawn. On February 24 the comet will be closest to Earth 61 million miles, so it will be even more visible.
In 2009 we celebrate the International Year of Astronomy as it met the first 400 years of observation with a telescope by Galileo Galilei. The Italian made great contributions to science and was a strong advocate of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, in times in which it was a heresy and was paid with the stake.
Besides the bridge, to watch Lulin have to look north. Tomorrow will be very close to the position of the planet Saturn in the constellation Leo. We must distinguish the star Regulus, the brightest of this group. Lulin go near it.
Queues will be difficult to observe. It is recommended to be out of town and use binoculars.
Lulin size has an atmosphere of Jupiter (the largest planet in the Solar System with 142 thousand kilometers in diameter). It consists of cyanogen (a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon, which gives the green color.
Reach a brightness of magnitude 5 or 6, comparable to the stars can be seen weaker eye on dark nights. For reference, the famous "three Marias" reach magnitude 2 or 3, with 1 being the brightest.
Comets are composed of ice and rock and move around the sun in highly elliptical orbits.