Comenzó la 4ta temporada de Supernatural el domingo 23 de noviembre a las 19:00 hs por Warner Channel. Vuelven los hermanos Winchester a combatir con demonios que escaparon del infierno y demas fenomenos paranormales. En el final de la 3ra temporada Dean Winchester era mandado al infierno, en esta nueva entrega regresa salvado aparentemente por un angel muy poderoso con la noticia de que Dios tiene planes para él. Se desatará una guerra de angeles y demonios?

He started the 4th season of Supernatural on Sunday November 23 at 19:00 pm by Warner Channel. Return to the Winchester brothers fought with demons escaped from hell and other paranormal phenomena. At the end of the 3rd season Dean Winchester was sent to hell, in this new delivery returns apparently saved by a very powerful angel with the news that God has plans for him. It unleashed a war of angels and demons?

The following are the first 3 minutes of the first chapter of the 4th season.

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